Meyn Mamvro 68 | Winter-Spring 2009 - Meyn Mamvro | Archive

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Meyn Mamvro 68 | Winter-Spring 2009

2000s > 2009
Meyn Mamvro
Issue 68 | Winter-Spring 2009

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All information in Meyn Mamvro was correct at the time of publication.
Since then, ads, prices, details, authors' ideas and points of information may have changed.
No.68 Winter-Spring 2009
CEMG & Dowsing News; Soc of Leyhunters Moot 2008;
Going Scilly - Laurence  Main;
Lost & Found; News;
'New' Penglaz at Montol Festival;
Remote & Ancient Places 5: Hannibal's Carn - Raymond Cox;
In  Site: Carn Gulva & local sites;
Honouring the Ancestors on the Scillies - Cheryl Straffon;
Pathways to the Past: Tamar to Land's End 1 - Cheryl Straffon;
Penwith Pagan Moot
Keep for reference, easier reading, can be printed out
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Issues 1-100 | 1986-2019
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